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Excerpts from HR: Entry 3

Updated: Jun 10, 2021

My grandfather, Henry Richard, journaled constantly and going back to read what was going on in his life and on the farm is so special for me. A small twist: he never wrote in a journal -- only in margins of books he was reading. So nothing is in order and you never know what you're going to get.


Date: November 3, 1975 (1700)

Fall weather is here with beautiful days in the seventies and nights near lower fifties. It has been a dry fall, but a couple weeks ago we got a nice 3 1/2" rain on the winter grain which was mostly confined to our area with Dallas receiving no moisture. I have 11 acres of wheat and Rick has almost 20 acres of winter grain -- it is really looking good and I expect to start grazing mine in the near future with special group of cattle. Rick irrigated about half his grain prior to the rain using a homemade pump from old 1962 Ford pickup. The transmission went out for replacement, but the bell housing will also need changed to accommodate and this has proved difficult to find. Good used 4-speed are available from junk yards at almost $75.00; if don't find set soon will purchase another 3-speed which give me several years service.
Jeanie and I went to the Rockbrook production sale and was successful in purchasing an excellent 22 month Hereford bull weighing 1140 lbs which is son of John Wayne's senior herd sire Lucky Domino. Rockbrook Ranch & John Wayne ranch own several bulls together. We will plan on selling Jeanie's L.B.J. bull which has left considerably to be desired in his calf crop; heifers are fine, but his bull calves just don't grow off. L.B.J. currently weighs only 1005 lbs with full growth.
The first of November we started a new ranch man, Mr. Campbell. He is a retired builder and has good health - 68 yrs old - works hard for 3-4 hours per day and rides tractor all day. Virg is available & able to supervise which makes a seemingly winning combination for us. We will hire heavy work done - work cattle ourselves, and I have hopes this retired idea will work out fine; if not with Mr. Campbell, perhaps another retired married couple with more recent farm exposure.
Tonight we are eating out at San Francisco with Earl & Theresa and Charles & Margaret. Jeanie and I enjoy these Wednesday night dine outs very much. - H.R. Teter Jr.


The Cowboys, The Old West Time-Life Series by the Editors of Time-Life Books with text by William H. Forbis

front inside cover

© 1973

This is an incredible and beautiful leather book series. The only ones I can find are used on Amazon or eBay, but they are worth hunting for!



The HR Homestead was named for my grandfather, Henry Richard, who introduced me to the wonderful world of farming. Each day he would sit in his "easy chair", pick up whatever book was sitting on the side table, and write a journal entry in the margins.

Enjoy his nuggets of wisdom and get to know the man I admire and try to emulate on our homestead. 🖤


Read more journal entries in the Excerpts from HR blog section.



Do you keep a farm journal? Tell me in the comments!


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