For Sale
Goats For Sale

Male | born April 3, 2023
Our most gorgeous baby from 2023! Parsley is the biggest of Doe: Juniper & Buck: Chive's triplets. He loves pets and snoozing in the hay.
Nubian Buck
ADGA Registration #: Application Provided
DOB: 4/3/2023
Sire: The Lightning's Chive PN2343620
Dam: Ashby-Farms Liam's Juniper AN2343619
Price: $400
Ready to go!

Male | born March 29, 2023
Clove is one of Doe: Sage & Buck: Chive's twins. He is spitting image of daddy and is the sweetest buck ever since he was born. He loves snuggles & scratches.
Nubian Buck
ADGA Registration #: Application Provided
DOB: 3/29/2023
Sire: The Lightning's Chive PN2343620
Dam: Ashby-Farms Liam's Sage AN2343618
Price: $300
Ready to go!

Male | born Feb 19, 2022
Chive was our buck for our spring 2023 kidding season. He really delivered in bringing some color to our herd! He bred all our does without problem and stays friendly and docile even when in rut.
Nubian Buck
ADGA Registration #: PN2343620
DOB: 2/19/2022
Sire: Rain Lily Hill Lightning PN2192020
Dam: The Andrew's Silver Macey PN1830558
Price: $450
Ready to go!
The HR Homestead raises ADGA registered Nubian goats. We milk select does for milk, yogurt, cheese and other dairy for our family. This page is intended to list our Nubian goats for sale in central Texas. Our farm in the Texas Hillcountry sells Nubian bucks, bucklings, does and doelings as available. Additional Keywords: milk goats for sale texas, registered dairy goats for sale in central texas, central texas livestock for sale, american dairy goat association registered goat sale, spicewood, texas, marble falls, texas, bee cave, texas, austin area goats for sale