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Pickled Jalapeños Recipe

Updated: May 14, 2021

Our jalapeño plants did very well this year and now we have a couple hundred to eat and pickle! Try this simple recipe (with just 6 ingredients) for classic delicious pickled jalapeños.

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Pickled jalapeños go with just about everything for me 😏 I love all things spicy and boy are our homegrown pepper spicy! The vinegar will dilute the spiciness the longer they sit, but if they start mega-spicy they will always have some heat.

This pickling recipe is super easy and just requires a jar with an airtight lid. No fancy jarring or canning equipment necessary 🌶️ Depending on how sweet you want your jalapeños, you can add to the amount of sugar or sub some apple cider vinegar for the white vinegar. I like the classic pickled jalapeños so this recipe (as-is) will not be too sweet (think ballpark nacho toppings) ️‍🔥


Yields: 1 quart sized jar

Time: 45 minutes


  • Clean and slice off the stems of all the jalapenos. Then slice them into about 1/4" slices.

  • Smash the garlic cloves with the side of the knife blade to release juices.

  • In a saucepan, combine garlic, vinegar, water, sugar and salt.

  • Bring the mixture to a boil.

  • Once the mixture is boiling and the salt and sugar have dissolved, add the sliced jalapenos and remove the pan from the heat. (Make sure all the jalapenos are submerged in the liquid). Let sit for 15 minutes.

  • Transfer the jalapenos to a clean jar and then ladle the juice over the sliced jalapenos to fill the jar.

  • Let the jar cool to room temperature before securing with an airtight lid and placing them in the refrigerator.

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What's your favorite thing to pickle? Tell me in the comments!


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